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Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law

Open Access Philosophy

Due to a variety of reasons, public debates in the field of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law are often based on inadequate understanding, prejudice and biases. Having this in mind, a diligent scientific exploration of the topics in focus is imperative but may not suffice if its results are not accessible to a broader audience. Other reasons in support of the Open Access philosophy include greater visibility of the author in the scientific community, faster and cost-free access to scientific and scholarly information, good findability via search engines and promotion of international and inter-disciplinary collaboration.

In line with this objective, EJIMEL follows the Open Access standard: Published articles are freely available online and for download and EJIMEL does not charge authors to pay any publication fees.

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The citation entails customary bibliographic citation, including author name(s), article title, as well as volume number and year of publication Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL), page Nos. and the URL

e.g. Author Name, Business Laws of Mauretania, Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL), Vol. 1 (2013), pp. 100-135,

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